Our quarterly journal Password has been printed since 1956. We have a complete set at 603 W. Yandell which is available for research. Password is mailed to our members following each publication.
Guidelines for publication in password
If you are preparing an article for Password, please follow the guidelines given
- The article must pertain to El Paso, Texas and its surrounding area. If it pertains to a person, an El Paso connection must be made.
- Historical accuracy is crucial; therefore, great care must be taken in citing your sources.
- If the article has pictures and/or attachments, make sure that they are with the article when they are submitted to the Historical Society.
- Double-check all spelling, punctuation, and foreign accents before submitting your article.
- If the author has someone else proof read the article, have it done before it is submitted for publication.
- Make sure all citations are correct in both format and accuracy. The governing rules for publication are in the Chicago Style Manual, latest edition.
- Please clearly state your name, address, and email address when the article is submitted.
Submissions for password
If you would like to submit an article for Password please send it and all necessary photographs to the following address:
605 W Yandell Dr
El Paso, Texas 79902
or electronically to