Password Volume L, Numbers 1-4 from 2005
Jose Felix Trespalacios by Richard Baquera Augustus Koch’s “Bird’s-Eye view of El Paso Map: Observations and Oddities by Richard F. Bussell
Tigua Indians and El Paso at the Texas State Centennial exposition, Part II by Nicholas P. Houser
Charles Ellis 1877 Salt War Victim-An Untold story by Olga Trujillo Hernandez
Casa Ronquillo by Bill Lockhart
“Quickie Divorces”-Do You Remember? By Evan Haywood Antone, Ph.D.
Historical Memories:
Maurice Schwartz and Pancho Villa by Albert Schwartz
The Battle of San Jacinto Part II by William Squires
Book Review
John P. Ryan, The Ornamental Hermit: People and Places of the New West, by Robert Murray Davis
One of the Good Guys by Leon Metz
Jim Day by Nancy Hamilton
The Marriages of James Wiley Magoffin by Dr. Rick Hendricks
James Milton Day: Boss, Teacher, Friend by Lucy Fischer-West
Sara’s First Dinner Party by Frank G. McKnight
Food Between the Waters by Lucy Fischer-West
Emigrated to Another Star by Marilyn Gross
No Housing Available by Dorothy N. Elder
Book Reviews
Meredith E. Abarca, Child of Many Rivers: Journeys to and from the Rio Grande, by Lucy Fischer-West
John P. Ryan, Mangan’s War: A Personal Review of World War II, by Frank J. Mangan
El Paso’s Pioneer Women by Nancy Hamilton
Beer in El Paso: The El Paso Brewing Association by Bill Lockhart
The Chamizal “Tipping” Point? El Paso’s Garbage in 1910 by Sarah Hill
Treasure Trove in the City Dumping Ground, From El Paso Herald, January 28, 1911
Book Review by Richard Baquera
Revolution in Texas: How a Forgotten Rebellion and its Bloody Suppression Turned Mexicans into Americans by Benjamin Herber Johnson
The Texas Rangers and the Mexican Revolution: The Bloodiest Decade, 1910-1920 by Charles H. Harris III and Louis R. Sadler
A Texas Anthology: Lone star Literature from the Red river to the Rio Grande, editor and introduction by Don Graham.
Hall of Honor
Adair Wakefield Margo by Sara McKnight
Jane Burges Perrenot by Greg Pine
El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro Through the Pass of the North, Part I by George D. Torok
Into the Mysterious Basement in Sunset Heights by Leigh Burges Mangan Aldaco
Momsen-Dunnegan-Ryan by Ralph H. Hellums