Take a tour of this gallery of images from our El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame Collection, 1955-2018.
Joseph Longo, EPCHS Curator
(Pleace click on images for a closer look)
1970-George Ball, Tennis Champion, who came from a well-known El Paso family with tennis talent.
El Paso Herald Post March 28,1970
1970-Agatha Lee was El Paso Country Club Golf Champion 18 times.She was city champion seven times and the Ascarate Golf Course Club Champion twice. She won the Women’s Southwestern Golf Association and the Juarez Country Club Invitational championships twice each, among other accomplishments.
Photo Credit; El Paso Historical Society.
March 29,1970 El Paso Times.
1973- Dolph Quijano, Heavwegiht Boxer
March 18,1973 El Paso Times.
1973-Bobby Goldfarb, One of El Paso famous tennis players
March 23,1973 El Paso Times.
1976-Jim Degroat, Senior Lineman for El Paso High’s Football Team. He also was named the to the Texas schoolboy all- state team in 1945.
April 4, 1976 El Paso Times
1977-Dalton Hill, Irvin High School Tennis Coach, 1960-1974.
April 5.1977 El Paso Times
1978-David Carrasco guided the Bowie High School’s Basketball Team to win the Bi-district Championships in 1942.
May 4, 1978 El Paso Times.
1971-Paul Barry was named All-District halfback in Football while on the Ysleta High School’s Football. He was also a star track runner .
March 25,1971
Dr. John “Pinkey” Edwin, was veterinarian and trap shooter. Edwin also served as president of the El Paso Athletic Hall of the Fame in the 1980s.
Dec 7, 1980 El Paso Times.
1987 Hall of Fame Program