Dr. Alice Merchant was the first woman doctor in El Paso in 1895. Merchant was a charter and active member of the El Paso Equal Franchise league. She went on to serve as president of the El Paso League of Women Voters and then the state chapter. Merchant was the first woman to run for the state legislature from El Paso in 1922. El Paso Public Library, Border Heritage Center
Another founding mother of the El Paso Equal Franchise League was Dr. Alice Merchant, who was the first woman doctor in El Paso. She came to El Paso in 1895. Alice Blackadder was born in Nova Scotia, Canada. She graduated from New York Medical College. Merchant practiced in Ysleta and Dallas before coming to El Paso. Merchant retired from practicing medicine in 1908.[1]
Merchant’s daughter, Geraldine Rand was also a charter member. Merchant was a strong advocate for suffrage and reform, and peace. When asked about the motives of women suffragists by the El Paso Herald, Merchant said “Advocates of woman’s suffrage are not seeking to thrust man out of his place and usurp it themselves. If suffrage is given to women, they could find themselves their time completely occupied in working for better laws for the protection of other women and all children.”[2]
Merchant continued her involvement with the El Paso League of Women Voters serving as president and later serving as president of Texas state chapter. Merchant was one of the first El Paso women to run for the Texas State House of Representatives in 1922.
Merchant was a director and founding member of the Schwingle Potter Home for Aged Gentlefolks. She was also a member of the El Paso Woman’s Club. Merchant also worked with troubled youth and U.S.servicemen. Merchant’s daily motto was “In as much as ye have done it unto one of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me”. Merchant died in 1940.[3]
[1] Dr. Alice Merchant (Vertical File). El Paso Border Center, El Paso Public Library.
[2] January 22, 1915, El Paso Herald page 4.
[3]Dr. Alice Merchant (Vertical File). El Paso Border Center, El Paso Public Library.